Preexisting Condition? You Should Sign Up For Health Insurance Right Now

Under The Affordable Care Act(Obamacare), insurers are not allowed to deny coverage based on pre-existing medical conditions. The New York Times reminds us what the outlook was for people with pre-existing conditions prior to the passage of the act.

Take for example, this woman, diagnosed with minor gastritis:

“I thought I was being smart in going to the doctor and getting checked out,” Ms. Fitzgerald, 55, who currently lives in Washington, D.C., said recently. “Then I tried to go get insurance and everyone denied me.”


Or this man, with asthma:

Dennis Carr, for example, worked as an independent real estate agent when the financial markets crashed in 2008. He had savings, but he eventually had to drop his Blue Cross plan because his income had tailed off and he could not afford it. Mr. Carr, who is now 51, said his goal was to resume coverage as soon as he was financially secure.

When he reapplied to the same insurer a few months later, he was rejected — and then rejected again by another insurer because of his asthma and a sinus condition.

“It was just a real, real slap,” Mr. Carr said.

He was directed to California’s high-risk pool but found the premiums too high. He moved to Mexico as a way to afford his medications. He now lives in Phoenix, where he has coverage through an employer.

On January 31, what may well be the final Open Enrollment under the Affordable Care Act ends. After this date, you may only get a new plan with a qualifying event. The President and Congress have made clear that they plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it. Though they have expressed a hope in retaining protections for people with pre-existing conditions, it is unclear what will be.

If you don’t have health insurance, or you would like to switch plans, now is the time. Whether you have a pre-existing condition, or not. can help you find the right plan for you. Fill out their simple form, or call the phone number on their site, and get great health insurance quotes today.

Try it, then come back and let us know how your experience was.

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6 Student Loan Repayment Traps Lenders Don’t Want You To Know About

In its final days in office, the Obama administration sued Navient, one of the nation’s largest student loan servicers(and formally part of Sallie Mae), for misleading borrowers and engaging in fraudulent practices. In light of the allegations, the New York Times gave six tips for avoiding loan repayment traps.

  1. KNOW YOUR LOANS: How much do you owe, and to whom?
  2. INCOME-DRIVEN PAYMENTS: Match your payments to your income.
  3. STAY ENROLLED: Income-driven plans require annual documentation. Keep up with it.
  4. NO FORBEARANCE (IF POSSIBLE): Forbearance is a bad choice as interest continues to accrue. See what other options are available to you.
  5. DROPPING A CO-SIGNER: Banks will often allow you to do this after a set number of consecutive payments. Make sure they are tracking this properly.
  6. CHECK YOUR CREDIT (AGAIN): Make sure you know what people are saying about you.. and that it’s accurate.